What nationality was Dracula author Bram Stoker?

What colour is associated with the senate in the Australian Federal Parliament?

‘Graceland’ is an album by which musician?

How many years are celebrated by a coral wedding anniversary?

A politician for which party was photoshopped to have ‘enlarged boobs’ and an exposed midriff on Nine News?

Jordan Belfort, Frank Abagnale Jr and Howard Hughes were played by which actor in their respective biopics?

What is the updated terminology used to describe a flying saucer or alien sighting?

Jack Black first became famous with the band Tenacious D, what does the D stand for?

What is the largest jackpot amount in Australian Powerball history?

Who created the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings?

What is the strongest flavour in the French drink pastis?

In which country is the Lego headquarters?

George Michael partnered with who in the 80s band Wham!?

“Flew in from Miami Beach, B-O-A-C, didn’t get to bed last night,” starts which 1968 song?

Which muppet almost joined the ill-fated Challenger mission?

Which French singer famously regretted nothing?

The 1997 movie Boogie Nights was based on which pornographic actor?

Justin Bieber caused outrage in 2013 by writing that which historical figure would hopefully have been a “Belieber”?

A traditional Swiss fondue is made with gruyere and which other cheese?

Barry Jones won 208 episodes of which quiz show between 1960 and 1968?